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  • Writer's pictureEmilda Perez


SOMETIMES OUR MINDS CAN FEEL JUST LIKE THIS BE KIND TO THE MIND AND THE MIND WILL BE KIND TO YOU. It has to start at home it has to start with you. Be thoughtful be mindful stay woke Take control. Q Just for sake of argument, I am going to offer a point of view of you in such a way that you will see how you create your chaos and how you create your peace. Unrealistic and possibly outrageous, unrealistic and possibly outrageous we can agree to that. Like a jealous cousin who came over and saw her sister's husband giving her sister jewelry and presents and love she wants to know why. That is similar to the arguments ,The of argument that takes place in our head. Within milliseconds these arguments are unrecognizable because they come from ourselves or a faculty within ourselves and not so much ourselves completely it's as if you were sitting at a table and you came by while you were thinking of whatever you were thinking about not that complicated. The Eiffel doesn'tTower don't think of a Red Bull standing on the Eiffel Tower but did you see you saw a Red Bull standing on the Eiffel Tower no matter how many times you ordered yourself not to this is imaginehisimagine this visithisit thishis picture it's still emerged because your brain is built in such a way that it emerges visual images for every word spoken whether you realize realize it or not that is just simple science math facts however you want to call it if you walk off a cliff that gravity that pressure that law in physics says that you will fall or fly whatever definition you place on that event .That you so stupidly engaged yourself in t that's what it will be it will be the result of a bad decision so what I might be possibly moving too fast then to see it and it's true form there's no reason to fear I am not ill I am not dying I am able two legs two hands two arms there is nothing to fear there is food there's water I have shelter there is nothing to fear I need a job tears millions of corporations offering employment at this very moment there is nothing to fear I can stand I can run I can push I can pull there is nothing to fear fear is the only thing to fear and fear within fear itself yet fear breeds anger so disappointment being tied to anger comes from fear find your fear and you find your weakness you find your weakness and you find your greatest strength mentally of course mentally this is what this great debate is all about.when life seems as if it's not going in the direction you desire remember that it is it is going in the exact direction that you desire however the end is going to call for terroristic characteristic strengths such as patience patience to be able to wait for your tax broker to fill out a form and produce legal documents for your business which you have been pouring your heart out for patience now at this moment the patience develops and you become familiars waiting in line? Do you see the concept the concept is there are two dogs two wolves two lions to whatever living inside you and we ask ourselves which one is more prone to win The Good The bad the light the dark and the truth is simple the answer is simple whichever you feed the most whichever you feed the most Will conquer whichever you feed the most will strive whichever you feed the most will live whichever you feed the most will put that other why you can't see them hear them and waking up in your doubt in the statements where you accuse yourself of being ugly of being rod and trash of being unworthy when you think that people or a certain person can read your mind because they treat you according to the way you think you yes I said that right the way you think you people broadcast outward they don't see themselves in the situation they see the situation which is causing them to be themselves backwards I have to agree because if I am watching the trees as if I had said before I need to remember that these trees are in their own moment of existence going through their own set going through their own sequences of reality that tree is growing and dying on the inside the other one is growing on the inside dying on the outside nature's teaching nature is taking its course and the benevolence the benevolence of science is having a field day with you see that's what true power that's what true power recognizes it recognizes control it recognizes being the Master of the House the master of the mind and if two kingdoms be against themselves how can they stand therefore if two are against themselves in the same house that house will fall you cannot move forward I cannot move forward with my foot nail down to the floorboard I cannot move past into a future that does not exist nor can I move past into a past that's already gone the tangible results come with tangible actions you'll touch a million dollars when you do things to acquire a million dollars you'll have a better house bigger car much happier State of mind when you act on the exact thing you are desiring you want love be loving you want kindness be kind you desire friends be friendly for you catch more bees with honey than you do vinegar as a dog returns to its own vomit so a man repeats his own folly there's so much out there to redress your mind with there's so much out there so much material for any loss so to rebuild with if you are homeless if you're hungry if you are abandoned if you were jobless all these are subject to change . Sometimes placing a different identification tag will cause you to forget what it actually is so that if you're looking at a curse blessed bless the people who want to harm you it's simple that's the people who want to see you fail and simple do exactly what they don't want you to do and be exactly what you to be because nobody will ever no one can ever nothing will ever experience life love joy and happiness for you some things are fractions of happiness and not true Joy erase that be mindful that we can mistake happiness for joy pleasure for passion. Take a moment to realize it's the debater again. It is the one who opposes again, don't trust him don't trust them they don't trust you and we were as grasshoppers before those giants and behold we saw ourselves as they saw us. the situation is, the same you can do nothing for ,yourself yeah you now have the mind of a full-grown individual so use that mind toward the situation and do not I say do not do underestimatednounderestimatedt do not do not lose The expressions say that you have never underestimate your opponent for you are your greatest enemy and lower coward dies a thousand times courageous courageous man dies but once.To get there you have to rearrange your principles earthenrearrthen whatange the statements rearrange y toour whole map it's not about the how it's about the why . and thenhat you have will be based on what you love think of that truth we are willing to go to the ends of the Earth willing to go to war willing to violently attack anything necessary to protect or to capture the things we love in love we find value in value we find reason to exist we get to a certain point that we no longer live for ourselves but live for others and thinking that living for others is actually living for ourselves and is continuous wave of up down up down up down up down with no progress to show yet they're individuals such as Charles Schwab ,Martin Luther King Jr who was a orator demanding influencing society's whole movement.nnovators like Vince McMahon or game changers LeBron James's George Washington Way Way back then yeah those same Patriots in case you do not remember history I'll refresh it for you they left because the kingdom refused to let them believe let them believe in what they wanted to believe and how they chose to believe so if I tell you that path is not good for you yet you believe that you know what you are doing you will go down that path so presently with your head high saying I don't care if it hurts I need to know why but we don't we do not need to know why in that moment you no longer know you are you beyond you become beyond The Knowing into the being beyond the thought into the action put these together there's the law of three all over the world father mother child seed soil plant sun moon give the whole give off a vital part of our existence this three is congruent to you in mind body and soul your body should feel good it should feel love your emotion should feel happiness it should feel Joy it should feel courage and power your mind should resonate on those same thoughts your soul is what your experiencing your soul is experienced soul you're so is the door to heaven or hell and you're probably going crazy cuz you just want the answers there are no answers there's only progress there's no right there's no wrong there is no undeniable set of steps to create success in master achievement success to you success to me have two definitions two different definitions and your success I'm willing to bet that you believe successes obtaining I succeeded I passed the line I succeeded I won the money I succeeded success in my mind is the grasping and the keeping of a thing so that I may have continual success succession of success I don't want to find happiness I want to keep it I don't want to build love just so that it may be built I want to keep it retain it and that's what the debater wants you to forget that's what the interfere the inner cowardness I want you to forget because it is a coward who does not want to stand up and take control of his own life it is a coward and it's a crumbling it is a no good it is a opposite crumb coward who leeches on the very existence of their fellow human beings you want to know a trick if you have taken the time to really think of a moment a moment that made you happy then you were happy for that moment and you created an alternate reality because the environment didn't change what changed was your mind and therefore the condition the condition changes when you change your mind.,a so find little moments little moments that will match the big moments find somebody who irritates you and force yourself to be kind find something that really really bothers you and act as if you don't exist do the opposite of what you naturally we're going to and embrace it if they say you're about to lose your whole life all of your property all of your memories everything how doesn't matter point is so what everything is gone everything is gone that is tangible but not imaginable and what is imaginable is the fourth plane I don't want to get into aa a hermetic or occultist secrets anlprinciples of relativity but I do need you to know this whatever you see be it good or bad it's possible now that's a hell of a statement whatever you see whether it be good or bad it's possible in your mind it's possible so if it is possible in the mind with enough pressure with enough energy enough cold creation you can manifest it so that you can experience it .Experience only the best is winning the debate experiencing only the best is taking control over that debate It's getting louder, it's getting smarter, it's becoming more clever, it's researching it is going until you cannot go and until those who you surround yourself with lift you on their shoulders because they know they know who you are, they know what you're worth they know what your worth because you show them. and you show them because you live it the last couple of sentences have probably conjured up a whole lot of empowerment which is rightfully yours because you are powerful you're a powerful enough to shift the universe and break a paradigm your powerful enough because you you control the table you control the conversation you control the argument you control the point you all the judge the jury and the Executioner of your own life I am the captain of my soul the master of my fate so if you grasped nothing please grasp this whoever controls the debate controls the table whoever controls the debate controls the table both have good reason it feels good not to do what everybody wants you to do that's a good reason it feels great to spend money the way you want to spend it that's a good reason it feels extraordinary to jump in the pleasures of flesh and taste the forbidden fruit that everybody in your life has labeled as in forgivable whatever that may be it feels good to be the bad guy that's a good reason. However it also feels no no wait let me give you reason and not feelings the reason that it is easy to kill but yet so so difficult to bring back to life the reason that if you speak with hatred toward a glass of water then freeze it it will alter its shape it will alter his DNA sequence it will alter its molecule transitions it will alter the whole existence of that water so disgusting or so ugly and appearance that It looks like the actual word hurtful yet when you speak words of love like you're wonderful When you find a reason be sure that your reason is something greater than your reason irony make something that you're in love with if you love sports then find something relative sports if you love music and then find points relative to music if you love love and use love simple whatever you doing whichever debate you are having today all you have to do is instruct your mind instruct your mind not the brain the brain instructs the mind and the mind lives within the brain it is the man or the woman or the power it is that that is inside your brain the mind control the mind control the debate I wanted you to read it but I still got to run into an editor and shit in line at the human service department trying to get food stamps different situation same characteristic trait needed so in other words we ask life to produce happiness we want to feel peace we want to feel belonged to hurt acknowledged and life produces characters nouns as I call them people places and things and as we travel through those things I announce we lose ourselves watching the trees to the window metaphorically I was giving you a clue watching observing imagining all these things without pressure meaning energy high frequency energy without high frequency energy without the the experience of some irresistible Force imploding your chest cavity you know when it feels like Mr Olympia grabbed you by the middle of the chest and just squeeze because they walked out the door apply that same form of energy toward an educational advance and advancing your academics a increasing your creativity so that your business will flourish with undeniablee without that you has two points this much we know, one point remains relative to the theory of its speaker the second point is the alternate perception of the other speaker. To break it down and layman's terms we call this debate and in this debate always emerges whoever has or has retained proven executed the best points the strongest points. Now that we have the formalities gone and we know through all the extra hours of detail and over analyzing with definitions we probably don't understand. That is the moment when information merges itself in The matrix of confusion too much. That is when thought fights thought energy fights energy and where do we go with this we go to a place in history in which words and different forms have followed a certain code of ethics when it comes to the way man's mind. We can travel back to the Renaissance era beyond the time of trying against this Hermes or up to the philosophical emergence of Plato and Socrates Aristotle even if we leaped through time we eventually ran into Beethoven Steve Jobs Henry Ford Andrew Carnegie. Monuments Men in the innovation of new beginnings. However the new beginnings can be so similar when the problem itself is only closed in different detail however the obstacle remains the same at core. If a homeless man is jealous because another homeless man has something he does not have whether he is a man in poverty or a man and riches, that same form of emotion and energy causes a debate. This debate is two standpoints relying upon a base of information in which we refer to as facts and in these facts we have molded beliefs that have precept themselves over time because that is how we learn we learn through a module of beliefs and eventually these beliefs sort of form themselves into a stepping stone of passageways through our brain they call these neurotransmitter neuroreceptors IE neural pathways The giver The taker and the road that they walk now if this is going to become profitable to any to anybody with less ease less pressure yet more effectiveness than we are going to have to go back to the beginning. In this beginning something not nothing was everything and that is the moment the moment that your consciousness allows you to view tangible objects some intangible yet perceivable such as wind smell taste these things you do not grab you do not feel you do not tussle with however you experience you experience the wave of emotion you experience the wave of biochemical being released within your nervous system and a livened network of electromagnetic happenings creates life in its essence so reason be that that is the impact of experience because our brain remains the soul powers for all we experience and at the end of the day no one is separated by information beliefs the truth but separated by the individualism structured inside of themselves yet this individualism relates to the other beans so here we are experience and relating to the manifestations of another. So with a little bit of concentration and focus anybody can literally engage themselves in neuroplasticity . In my opinion there is nothing more fascinating nor more powerful than the properties of the human body including the human mind within its modus operandi there are so many calculations dealing with the regulation of bloodstream the allowance of vitamins and sore and sodiums the magnetic levels that rise from the planet into our bodies back out to the essence this is beyond fathomable so if I may grab your attention with these simple words it is useless to remain positive it is profitable to remain powerful and that is the strong point in the debate that will continuously arise in your mind whether it be something minute or something of great importance because the brain and all of its configurations constantly strategizes in atomic speed light speed reactions and to be completely honest with yourself we will see that I me the US that some refuse to acknowledge takes its recognition by power. I say that that power finds its way into expression it is the greater debate it is the greater debater it is the one that bars no failure does not quit always finds a point of view that you I me US must agree on because it molds the reality for instance if I am in a situation hypothetically speaking where I cannot come up with a opportunity to capitalize on my skill my talent my dream. Throughout this course of attempting to overcome insurmountable odds my thoughts are going to produce either strain or strength I am going to tell myself it's going to be okay this day today is mine there's not two Powers but only one power that power is the power of life and so shall it be so shall it be that conversation is empowering and releasing chemicals within my brain that cause my perception like a kaleidoscope to see certain colors and those colors only opportunity I see it kindness I see it favor I see it it's in my attention on my attention there's a part of the brain that regulates attention now if I see guilt and shame and criticism judgment I see fear well then ultimately through the same course I will see these things fear hatred anger pain jealousy now comes vengeance and vengeance it breeds so many other characteristic traits that have the drummer boy drumming to his own beat to his own beat till reason reason cannot be reason with and one thing that history is proven well is the Napoleon bonaparts they Adolf Hitler's the Filippo brunellesis Madonna's of stardom 4 Greece and Rome the Caesars if all these leaders have laid any lesson in history it is that power power will eat man alive man holding on to the baroness of his inner animal this is what comes when we feel life is disrespected if we feel like life is endangering our emotions constantly identifying with the situation and in the situation a challenge is presented to your face before you and all of reality you're out of rent money your relationship life is falling toward the left right front back you get the point finances or becoming fickle and strangers of friends and your friends become strangers these are real life situations so how do I maintain a positive thought you don't refuse ch oose choose not to be positive rather choose to be powerful stand in your your choice of thought with the statement such as the universe the universe is my friend and it will bless me it will build for me and if something takes place and what you may think be a negative manner say this is going to work out for my good by doing these things you alter the chemical balance in your brain endorphins are released during times of happiness when these endorphins release they make relative connections with your sympathetic nervous system placed right before right behind solar plexus behind the solar plexus lays a small bundle of nerves larger than any other bundle of nerves inside of the human body brain waves to harmonize like this when you run a food places itself in front of the other foot imagine if the foot went backwards and the other floor foot proceeded forth you would trip fall possibly bust your mouth open and look like a dummy. Now I know that I might have made somewhat of a derogatory statement however sometimes what might seem wrong is necessary for those who are standing on one side one side and a limited view so to end this I say if I debate with myself I'm going to win regardless because it's me versus I I versus me they versus a conundrum of false bravados clowns comics lovers the nine points of Robert Greene's q seduced or seducing so again agree with yourself I am lucky yes you are I am loved yes you are and prosperous yes I am I am powerful yes I am not I will fail no one loves me there's nowhere no one cares through these statements you will find your reality taking place and you will manifest those exact situations but with patience and perseverance and power not positivity power then as James Allen had instructed man does not receive that which they desire but that which they are and action is the basis of all desire as I quote theosophy action is the basis of all desire so please please understand that the most simple of minds have seen through the veil of confusion it does not take Faith it does not take belief it does not take promissory notes Rockefellers the James or Madison square doesn't take Solomon's doesn't take profits. Looking toward 5 minutes 10 minutes an hour ago it is impossible physically impossible for you to experience that moment again yet we experience these moments of pain and misery over and over following the exact definition of insanity during the same thing over and over hoping for a different result Insanity mirror insanity yet and here I give you a gift here I give you a friend the voice of reason find your voice of reason let your voice of reasons shout at your voice of reasons speak your voice of fear well just remember that one of the most accomplished generals of all time and all through of art of war stated that when you are near that your enemy think that you are far when you are far that your enemy think that you are near and doing so be it that your mind awaken stay woke stay alive and just take it easy. Taking it easy is being comfortable with who you are, who I am, who I am, who I say I am, who I say I am, who I be,lieve I am and who I believe I am is how I build this life of mine stone for stone. I want to offer for I want to offer to service itself

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