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  • Writer's pictureEmilda Perez

Look Alive

Updated: Dec 15, 2023



Last section — Featd in mind with matter

1st Edition.The power of life


When you find a reason. be sure that your Reason is something greater than you!!!! less ofour self reason. Creativity makes something that you're in love with.If you love sports then find something relative sports.If you love music and then find points relative to music.If you love love then use love!!!Simple whatever you doing,whichever debate you are having today!!All you have to do is. be awar that you havete ability and right to instrutmyourmind thidis how you formalate thoughts into reality the tangablee from. the unseeable

instruct your mind….

,Instruct your mind!!!!!!not the brain. The mind instructs the mind and the mind lives within the brain it is the man or the woman or the POWER. It is that that is inside your brain.The mind controls the mind controls the the debate. I wanted you to read it!! yes you can u cath it hurry fast rea as fasas you can and get tio the part. were. but I still got to run into an editor and sit in line at the human service department trying to get food stamps.Do you see it ? Two problems same need!

.Different situation same characteristic trait needed, so in other words.What we ask life to produce in happiness we want to feel peace ,we want to feel belonged, to be acknowledged. Life produces characters( nouns) as I call them people, places and things and as we travel through along things I think we lose ourselves watching the trees blurry through the window. Metaphorically I was giving you a clue.

Watching observing imagining all these things without ,pressure, meaning energy, high frequency Energy!!without high frequency energy without the the experience of some irresistible Force imploding your chest cavity.You know when it feels like Mr Olympia grabbed you by the middle of the chest and just squeezed your chest in and it's as LL because. (they) walked out the door! Apply that same form of energy toward an monetary advance and advancing your figuress you ncreasing your creativity so that your business will flourish with undeniable advances. WITHOUT that you have two points. THIS much we know, one point remains relative to the theory of its speaker the second point is the alternate perception of the other speaker. To break it down and layman's terms.we call this debate and in this debate always emerges.Whoever has or has retained proven, thorough great executed points,the best points, the strongest points. That is who the people believe. Now that we have the formalities gone and we know through all the extra hours of detail and over analyzing with definitions we probably don't understand. That is the moment when information merges itself in The matrix of confusion too much. That's were we step in for you our audience and our team . We are here to grow together in finances ,humanityissues , Encouragement,a place to belong and speak . That is when thought fights thought energy fights energy and where do we go with this we go to a place in history in which words and different forms have followed a certain code of ethics.You have that here today get great reviews give greater words .When it comes to the way man's mind. We can travel back to the Renaissance era beyond the time of Hermes.Or up to the philosophical emergence of Plato and Socrates Aristotle even if we leaped through time. We eventually ran into Beethoven,Steve Jobs, Henry Ford Andrew Carnegie so on and so forth Monumental Men. During the innovation of new beginnings we found new thinking . However the new beginnings can be so similar when the problem itself is only closed in different detail. However the obstacle remains the same at core so we're here to unravel that together. If a homeless man is jealous because another homeless man has something he does not have whether he is a man in poverty or a man and riches, that same form of emotion and energy causes a debate. This debate is two standpoints relying upon a base of information in which we refer to as facts and in these facts we have molded beliefs that have precept themselves over time because that is how we learn.

we learn through a module of beliefs and eventually these beliefs sort of form themselves into a stepping stone of passageways through our brain they call these neurotransmitters, neuroreceptors IE neural pathways The giver The taker and the road that they walk.Now if this is going to become profitable to any to anybody with less pressure yet more effectiveness than we are going to have to go back to the beginning.

In this beginning something

not nothing!

was everything!

and that is the moment the moment that your consciousness allows you to view tangible objects some intangible yet perceivable such as wind, smell, taste, these things you do not just feel or do not tussle with however you experience and accept you experience the wave of emotion you experience the wave of biochemicals being released within your nervous system and a livened network of electromagnetic happenings creates life in its essence.So reason be that that is the impact of experience because our brain remains the soul power for all we experience and at the end of the day no one is separated by information, the truth but separated by the individualism structured inside of themselves.Yet this individualism relates to the other beans so here we are experience and relating to the manifestations of another. So with a little bit of concentration and focus anybody can literally engage themselves in neuroplasticity . In my opinion there is nothing more fascinating nor more powerful than the properties of the human body including the human mind within its modus operandi there are so many calculations dealing with the regulation of bloodstream the allowance of vitamins and sore and sodiums the magnetic levels that rise from the planet into our bodies back out to the essence this is beyond fathomable so if I may grab your attention with these simple words it is useless to remain positive it is profitable to remain powerful and that is the strong point in the debate that will continuously arise in your mind whether it be something minute or something of great importance because the brain and all of its configurations constantly strategizes in atomic speed light speed reactions and to be completely honest with yourself we will see that I me the US that some refuse to acknowledge takes its recognition by power. I say that that power finds its way into expression it is the greater debate it is the greater debater it is the one that bars no failure does not quit always finds a point of view that you I me US must agree on because it molds the reality for instance if I am in a situation hypothetically speaking where I cannot come up with a opportunity to capitalize on my skill my talent my dream. Throughout this course of attempting to overcome insurmountable odds my thoughts are going to produce either strain or strength I am going to tell myself it's going to be okay this day today is mine there's not two Powers but only one power that power is the power of life and so shall it be so shall it be that conversation is empowering and releasing chemicals within my brain that cause my perception like a kaleidoscope to see certain colors and those colors only opportunity I see it kindness I see it favor I see it it's in my attention on my attention there's a part of the brain that regulates attention now if I see guilt and shame and criticism judgment I see fear well then ultimately through the same course I will see these things fear hatred anger pain jealousy now comes vengeance and vengeance it breeds so many other characteristic traits that have the drummer boy drumming to his own beat to his own beat till reason reason cannot be reason with and one thing that history is proven well is the Napoleon bonaparts they Adolf Hitler's the Filippo brunellesis Madonna's of stardom 4 Greece and Rome the Caesars if all these leaders have laid any lesson in history it is that power power will eat man alive man holding on to the baroness of his inner animal this is what comes when we feel life is disrespected if we feel like life is endangering our emotions constantly identifying with the situation and in the situation a challenge is presented to your face before you and all of reality you're out of rent money your relationship life is falling toward the left right front back you get the point finances or becoming fickle and strangers of friends and your friends become strangers these are real life situations so how do I maintain a positive thought you don't refuse ch oose choose not to be positive rather choose to be powerful stand in your your choice of thought with the statement such as the universe the universe is my friend and it will bless me it will build for me and if something takes place and what you may think be a negative manner say this is going to work out for my good by doing these things you alter the chemical balance in your brain endorphins are released during times of happiness when these endorphins release they make relative connections with your sympathetic nervous system placed right before right behind solar plexus behind the solar plexus lays a small bundle of nerves larger than any other bundle of nerves inside of the human body brain waves to harmonize like this when you run a food places itself in front of the other foot imagine if the foot went backwards and the other floor foot proceeded forth you would trip fall possibly bust your mouth open and look like a dummy. Now I know that I might have made somewhat of a derogatory statement however sometimes what might seem wrong is necessary for those who are standing on one side one side and a limited view so to end this I say if I debate with myself I'm going to win regardless because it's me versus I I versus me they versus a conundrum of false bravados clown's comics lovers the nine points of Robert Greene's q seduced or seducing so again agree with yourself I am lucky yes you are I am loved yes you are and prosperous yes I am I am powerful yes I am not I will fail no one loves me there's nowhere no one cares through these statements you will find your reality taking place and you will manifest those exact situations but with patience and perseverance and power not positivity power then as James Allen had instructed man does not receive that which they desire but that which they are and action is the basis of all desire as I quote theosophy action is the basis of all desire so please please understand that the most simple of minds have seen through the veil of confusion it does not take Faith it does not take belief it does not take promissory notes Rockefellers the James or Madison square doesn't take Solomon's doesn't take profits. Looking toward 5 minutes 10 minutes an hour ago it is impossible physically impossible for you to experience that moment again yet we experience these moments of pain and misery over and over following the exact definition of insanity during the same thing over and over hoping for a different result Insanity mirror insanity yet and here I give you a gift here I give you a friend the voice of reason find your voice of reason let your voice of reasons shout at your voice of reasons speak your voice of fear well just remember that one of the most accomplished generals of all time and all through of art of war stated that when you are near that your enemy think that you are far when you are far that your enemy think that you are near and doing so be it that your mind awaken stay woke stay alive and just take it easy. TAKING it easy is being comfortable with who you are, who I am, who I am, who I say I am, who I say I am, who I believe I am, and who I believe I am is how I build this life of mine stone for stone. I want to offer for I want to offer to service itself .


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